How Often Should You Change Your 20x25x5 Furnace Filter?

It really depends on the home and personal preferences, but as a general rule, since 20x25x5 air filters are stronger than most air filters, most homeowners only use two to three 20x25x5 air filters per year. One of the most important things you can do to take good care of your HVAC system is to change your air filter regularly. This helps keep everything working properly and also keeps energy bills low. Unfortunately, it's a task that many homeowners easily forget for months, leading to higher energy bills and future maintenance issues.

But how often should you change your air filter? How often should you change your oven filter? Well, it depends. Here are some general rules and recommendations that will help you determine what time frame is best for your HVAC system. If you have problems with air quality in your home, your oven filter won't last as long as it does in a house with good indoor air quality. Indoor air quality equipment, such as air purifiers and air purifiers, reduce the volume of contaminants, so the boiler filter can capture fewer particles.

In homes without this equipment, the oven filter is the only line of defense against air contaminants, so the filter fills up faster. When oven filters are forgotten or omitted to change, several problems arise in Cincinnati homes. Dirty oven filters represent a disaster for heating and cooling equipment, home comfort and air quality.

Changing oven filters

regularly has a big impact on home comfort and indoor air quality, as well as on the performance, energy efficiency and longevity of your HVAC system.

Make sure your comfort system gets the professional care it needs: maintenance settings remove dirt and take care of filter changes. If the damage caused by a dirty filter has already occurred, our specialized technicians work to counteract the problem and restore performance. Depending on the brand or model series of the oven, they may recommend different filter sizes for your unit. The heater fan also affects how often you need to replace the filter.

The added moisture reduces the filter's ability to contain contaminants and will need to be changed more frequently. HVAC systems may not have any heating components and therefore do not need an oven filter. At the peak of summer and winter, air filters should be changed more often than necessary during spring, fall, and milder months. If members of your household suffer from allergies or asthma, you should change oven filters more often.

More cycles mean more passes through the filter and opportunities to trap contaminants, so filters tend to fill up faster during periods of heavy use. Essentially, the better a filter is at trapping certain types of particles, the higher its MERV rating. How often this task must be performed depends largely on the type of oven filter installed. The filter must be changed periodically so that the heating and cooling system works as well as possible and so that the air inside the house stays clean and circulates well.

A number of factors must be considered when deciding how often an oven filter should be changed, and many filter manufacturers recommend how often their product should be replaced. Filter efficiency also has an impact: this is expressed as MERV, which stands for minimum efficiency report value. Having multiple animals means you need to change a one- or two-inch filter every month, a four-inch filter every two months, and a five-inch filter every three months. Changing your oven filter regularly ensures that the air in your home remains free of dust and other contaminants.

If you have poor outdoor air quality or pets indoors, you'll need to change your air filter more often. The filter is placed in a shared air controller, where it cleans the air before diverting it to the air conditioning unit or oven.